Leadership and Executive Presence: A Complete Guide for Professional Success

Success in the work environment depends a great deal on executive presence and leadership, not only technical skills. The capacity to influence and inspire others, overcome obstacles, and promote positive change within their organizations are all skills that leaders with confidence and a solid executive presence possess. In this article, we’ll look at the advantages of enhancing your executive presence at work and offer advice on developing a more effective leadership style.

4 Advantages of Increasing Executive Presence at Work

  1. Enhanced Company Culture: A robust executive presence sets the tone for the entire organization. A confident leadership style, professionalism, and executive presence establish a productive work environment that encourages employee involvement. Leaders with executive presence inspire their people to work at their highest levels and contribute to the firm’s overall success by emulating the organization’s mission and values.
  2. Increased Employee Engagement: Executive presence enables leaders to engage and inspire their staff effectively. They ensure that workers understand their duties, responsibilities, and the overarching goal of their work by communicating with confidence and clarity. Higher levels of employee engagement and satisfaction are the consequence, which develops a sense of meaning and fulfillment.
  3. Multigenerational Workplace Culture: In today’s diverse workplace, it is crucial for leaders to foster an inclusive culture that values and accepts people of all ages. Leaders must develop their executive presence to successfully traverse the intergenerational workplace culture and promote understanding, collaboration, and creativity among generations. Leaders and CEOs with high executive presence encourage inclusivity and diversity, which makes their organizations more vibrant and compelling.
  4. Enhanced Leadership Style: Leaders who develop executive presence can better hone their leadership techniques and perform their duties more effectively. Leaders can recognize their strengths and areas for development through self-awareness and ongoing learning, which enables them to modify their leadership style to suit various circumstances and difficulties. Leaders with a solid executive presence can lead purposefully, make wise decisions, and motivate others to realize their full potential.

Tips for Improving Executive Presence and Leadership Style

Invest in Leadership Development Programs

Corporate Class Inc., a renowned leader in leadership development, offers various courses intended to create great leaders and improve executive presence. Their online leadership training program provides in-depth materials and engaging learning modules to assist leaders in enhancing their presence and improving as leaders. Enrolling in their program lets you pick up insightful knowledge and valuable abilities to improve your executive presence.

Master Effective Communication

A key component of executive presence is effective communication. Improve your ability to communicate verbally and nonverbally by paying attention to your body language, tone of voice, and active listening. When giving presentations or having talks, confidently and clearly express your thoughts, offer helpful criticism, and communicate. Your communication skills can be substantially improved by taking advantage of Corporate Class Inc.’s training on understanding body language and giving persuasive presentations.

Develop Your Personal Brand

Your executive presence is reflected in your brand. Develop a personal brand that reflects your abilities, values, and aspirations. Establish an enduring and genuine brand that makes you stand out from the competition. Resources on creating a solid personal brand distinctive from others are available through Corporate Class Inc.

Embrace Inclusive Leadership

Promoting a workplace that celebrates diversity and encourages cooperation requires inclusive leadership. Adopt inclusive management strategies and encourage cultural diversity among your team members. To lead inclusively and foster community among team members, develop your emotional intelligence, empathy, and cross-cultural communication abilities. Corporate Class Inc. provides you with the skills to succeed in this area by delivering training on inclusive leadership and skillfully navigating workplace politics.

Remember that creating executive presence and a powerful leadership style are continuous processes. Continue to look for opportunities for development and learning, and use the knowledge and resources available.

Leadership and executive presence are essential for career success in today’s fast-paced business environment. Confident leaders with increased confidence and influence distinguish themselves via their capacity to inspire and encourage others, make confident decisions, and foster a great workplace culture. A multigenerational workplace culture, increased employee engagement, and diversity and inclusion within teams and organizations are all benefits of developing these abilities.

Does Leadership Development Depend on Mental Fitness?

Mental fitness is one area of leadership development that is frequently disregarded. In order to develop confident leaders with executive presence, mental fitness is crucial. Leaders who are mentally fit are better able to deal with difficulties in their professional and personal relationships, which lowers stress and promotes a productive workplace. 

Corporate Class Inc. recognizes the significance of mental fitness in the growth of leaders and provides a remedy for this problem. Individuals can improve their mental wellness and acquire the skills necessary to become self-assured leaders with executive presence through their online leadership training programs. Corporate Class Inc. gives leaders the tools to simultaneously increase their performance and mental health by incorporating mental fitness techniques into their training.

The Rewards of a Web-Based Management Program for Your Staff

Making a sensible investment in your employees’ growth will pay off in many ways. Online management programs are one efficient technique for delivering thorough training. With such programs, staff members may learn at their own pace and from anywhere. They also offer flexibility and accessibility. An acclaimed online management program emphasizing leadership presence is available from Corporate Class Inc. It includes a full year of access to interactive learning modules, activities, and quizzes.

Enrolling your staff in an online management program gives them the tools to grow as leaders, gain self-assurance, and improve their executive presence. This promotes personal development and helps the organization foster a healthy culture and increase employee engagement. By supporting your employees’ professional growth, you show that you care about their success and promote a more inclusive work environment.

Corporate Class Inc.’s Solutions

Corporate Class Inc. is a global authority on executive and leadership presence training. They provide various services and programs to enhance workplaces, empower leaders, and positively influence the development of an inclusive and connected society. Their recommendations center on creating a robust and enduring leadership presence, leaving a personal mark on that presence, and mentoring leaders at all organizational levels.

The highly regarded online training for developing leadership abilities is one of their options. This live online program improves participants’ charisma, confidence, clarity, and impact to help leaders and executives master their presence. Participants learn knowledge and skills that help them overcome obstacles, communicate clearly, and build their brands. Leaders can improve their careers and have a solid executive presence by participating in this program.

Additionally, the Positive Intelligence (PQ) framework-based Mental Fitness program is another popular offering by Corporate Class Inc. This program aims to increase participants’ mental fitness and gives them the tools to change their brain activation from negative to positive thinking. Leaders may minimize stress, improve performance, and realize their full leadership potential by investing in their mental fitness.

Investing in thorough training and development is crucial to achieving the benefits of executive presence and leadership. Solutions from Corporate Class Inc. include their online management program, a workshop for developing leadership abilities, and a mental fitness program. These courses equip participants with the information and skills to develop into self-assured leaders and leave a lasting impression on their organizations.

Confident leaders who want to succeed professionally must possess leadership and executive presence. Building a solid leadership presence helps to create a healthy workplace culture, increased employee engagement, and efficient executive leadership. It also boosts your confidence. Managing a multigenerational workforce and encouraging inclusive leadership in the workplace are both essential aspects of leadership and executive presence, and they will be covered in detail in this extensive guide.

Management Techniques for a Multigenerational Workforce

The workforce of today’s corporations frequently consists of workers from several generations, each with their own viewpoints, ideals, and working methods. Employing inclusive management strategies that value diversity and encourage collaboration is necessary to manage a workforce of different generations effectively. Leaders can recognize and use each generation’s capabilities to develop a cohesive and effective team environment.

Corporate Class Inc., a leader in executive and leadership presence, offers its online leadership training program as a solution. This program gives leaders the information and abilities they need to deal with the difficulties a multigenerational workplace culture presents. Participants learn to comprehend generational differences, communicate effectively, and create inclusive teams through interactive learning modules and activities. 

How to Foster an Inclusive Workplace Culture through Inclusive Leadership in the Workplace

A crucial component of leadership and executive presence is inclusive leadership. It fosters an environment that celebrates diversity and advocates for fair opportunities for every worker, regardless of background or identity. Utilizing the talents and perspectives of their teams, leaders can promote employee engagement and boost organizational success by embracing inclusive leadership practices.

Corporate Class Inc. provides several options to assist leaders in acquiring inclusive leadership abilities. Their live online leadership skills and executive presence workshops provide executives with highly individualized charisma, self-assurance, clarity, and impact. Participants learn knowledge and skills for leading inclusively and purposefully, navigating workplace politics, and effective communication. Leaders can improve their capacity to foster an inclusive workplace culture where everyone feels empowered to give their best work by participating in these seminars.

Develop Enduring Leadership and Executive Presence with Corporate Class Inc.

Corporate Class Inc. supports your professional development path if you aim to become a self-assured leader with increased confidence and a persuasive executive presence. They have been enabling leaders since 1984 as a top-tier supplier of superior leadership training. Corporate Class Inc. provides scalable and aligned techniques to assist people and organizations in generating their own unique leadership presence imprint, focusing on developing outstanding leaders and improving workplaces.

Explore the online leadership training program Corporate Class Inc. offers to develop your leadership abilities to the next level and reach your full potential. This self-paced program’s interactive learning modules, exercises, and quizzes are accessible for a whole year and can be finished at your own pace. Additionally, you can improve your educational experience through private coaching, which hastens your leadership development even more.

Take advantage of the chance to gain from Corporate Class Inc.’s leadership and executive presence skills. Get in touch with them to learn more about their offerings, get a price quote, or sign up for their life-changing courses. With the help of Corporate Class Inc.’s tried-and-true leadership training solutions, you can enhance your talent, increase employee engagement, and fortify ties between members of all levels of your organization.

Tips for Building a Stronger Executive Presence and Leadership Style

Tips for Building a Stronger Executive Presence and Leadership Style

Leadership and executive presence are essential elements of success in the corporate world. Leaders with a strong executive presence encourage and inspire their people, effect positive change, and influence business culture. Here are some helpful suggestions to consider if you want to improve your executive presence and create a strong leadership style.

Begin with Your Mentality

Your perspective significantly impacts how you present yourself professionally and lead others. It’s crucial to have a growth mentality that appreciates improvement chances, values difficulties, and values ongoing learning. Positivity and optimism enable you to approach leadership with self-assurance and fortitude. Recognize that leadership is a journey and that each event offers the chance for personal development.

Consider taking part in Corporate Class Inc.’s Mental Fitness program, which is based on the Positive Intelligence (PQ) paradigm, to improve your thinking. This program assists leaders in enhancing their mental fitness, lowering their stress levels, and maximizing their leadership potential. Increase your capacity to manage obstacles in work and life while retaining peak performance and enjoyment by enhancing your mental fitness.

Develop Better Communication Skills

A key component of executive presence and leadership is effective communication. You must acquire excellent verbal and nonverbal communication skills to express your ideas, motivate others, and create lasting connections. Your message should be clear, concise, and sincere. Other crucial abilities to develop are emotional intelligence, empathy, and active listening.

The Leadership Skills & Executive Presence Workshop by Corporate Class Inc. provides thorough instruction in oral and written communication techniques. This interactive online course offers tips and methods for developing a high level of warmth, , self-assurance, and influence. You may successfully engage your team, stakeholders, and clients by developing your communication skills, promoting collaboration and success.

Master Body Language

Your leadership style and executive presence are clearly expressed through your body language. Be mindful of your eye contact, gestures, facial expressions, and posture. To project confidence and authority, stand tall, keep an open and friendly stance, and make deliberate gestures. To develop connections and demonstrate active participation in conversations, maintain eye contact.

Register for the workshop on leadership abilities and executive presence

Join Corporate Class Inc.’s Leadership Skills & Executive Presence Workshop to quicken your progress toward developing a more robust executive presence and leadership style. This internationally renowned program is intended to promote your continuing growth and upward mobility. You will get valuable knowledge by attending this course, including how to make a great first impression, communicate clearly and effectively, embrace purpose-driven leadership, and set goals that will be met. You will obtain knowledge and skills to develop a high level of personal charisma, confidence, clarity, and impact through engaging seminars and valuable activities.

It’s time to speak with Corporate Class Inc. if you’re prepared to advance your executive presence and leadership style. Their knowledgeable facilitators offer online leadership development programs worldwide, enabling leaders to reach their most significant potential. By investing in their training programs and seminars, you may improve your leadership abilities, your company culture, and your ability to contribute to a more inclusive and connected society.

5 Benefits of Improving Executive Presence

4 Benefits of Improving Your Executive Presence in the Workplace

We understand the paramount importance of improving executive presence in today’s competitive workplace landscape. Confident executives who want to have a positive impact at work must have a solid executive presence. Executive Presence is multi-faceted and includes a leader’s manner of speaking, acting, and inspiring others. Leaders may strengthen corporate culture, boost performance, instill confidence, and forge enduring relationships with teams at all levels by improving their leadership presence. In this article, we’ll go through these advantages in more detail and show how Corporate Class Inc., a world authority on executive and leadership presence, can assist people and organizations in achieving their objectives.

Our Executive Presence program is carefully designed to help you cultivate the essential qualities of a remarkable leader. From mastering the art of communication to refining your body language, we leave no stone unturned in honing your presence to perfection. With our expert guidance, you’ll learn to radiate confidence in every interaction, leaving a lasting impression that sets you apart from your peers.

1. Commanding Respect and Authority Across the Organization

Leadership is not just about titles; it’s about earning respect and authority through actions and demeanor. Executive presence allows you to do just that. When you walk into a room, your presence alone communicates that you are someone worth listening to, someone whose expertise and insights matter. People gravitate toward those who exude confidence, and executive presence enables you to showcase your capabilities in the most compelling way. As you communicate assertively and persuasively, your team and colleagues recognize your ability to lead confidently.

Investing in your executive presence inspires a culture of professionalism and respect within your organization. Team members feel motivated to follow your lead, knowing that you are a leader who listens, considers differing viewpoints, and makes informed decisions. The influence you wield through your executive presence extends beyond your immediate team, positively impacting the entire organizational ecosystem.

2. Increasing Your Executive Presence Enhances Corporate Culture

A leader’s executive presence influences the overall organizational culture, shaping it into one that fosters productivity, collaboration, and respect. As you embody the qualities of a strong leader, your team members look up to you as a role model. Your genuine interest in the well-being and growth of your team creates a culture of support and camaraderie. Team members feel valued and motivated, leading to higher employee engagement and retention rates.

The atmosphere you cultivate through your executive presence encourages open communication and constructive feedback, promoting a culture of continuous learning and improvement. As a result, employees feel empowered to contribute their best, and the organization benefits from their collective brilliance.

The tone of the entire organization is created by leaders who exhibit executive presence. Their behaviour and actions impact their teams’ attitudes, values, and behaviours. Leaders may promote an inclusive, trustworthy, thriving workplace culture by improving their executive presence. Corporate Class Inc. provides leadership development programs that assist leaders in establishing a compelling and enduring leadership presence, fostering a more connected and inclusive society.

3. Improved Performance

Leadership is not just about achieving individual success; it’s about empowering others to reach their full potential. With enhanced executive presence, you become a source of inspiration for your team. Clear communication and unwavering confidence create a sense of purpose and direction, ensuring everyone understands the organization’s vision and goals. Your team members feel valued and supported, knowing that their efforts contribute to a greater collective purpose. As a result, their motivation soars, and they willingly invest their energy into their work, striving for excellence in everything they do.

Both individual and team performance are directly impacted by executive presence. Teams are more likely to be inspired, engaged, and productive when leaders project confidence and foster trust. Leaders who communicate more clearly and confidently can effectively express their vision, establish specific objectives, and give constructive criticism. Your presence as an approachable and empathetic leader fosters an environment of open communication and teamwork. Team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas, and constructive feedback flows freely, leading to a culture of continuous improvement and innovation. The leadership development programs offered by Corporate Class Inc. give executives the tools they need to lead with purpose and communicate with assurance, which improves their team performance and ultimately throughout the company.

4. It Gives Leaders Confidence

Beyond the professional benefits, improving your executive presence brings personal fulfillment and a profound sense of confidence in your leadership abilities. Leaders with a solid executive presence inspire trust in their stakeholders and teams. Their capacity to convey credibility and sincerity fosters respect and trust. Strong presence enables leaders to manage difficulties, reach complex judgments, and lead through uncertainty. The leadership development courses offered by Corporate Class Inc. are geared at helping participants increase their emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and mindfulness so they can lead with confidence in both themselves and others. With enhanced executive presence, you walk with a newfound assurance that you can handle whatever challenges come your way. This self-assurance enables you to lead with conviction, make bold decisions, and tackle ambitious projects that contribute to your organization’s success.

5. Aids in Team Connection at All Levels

Leaders who develop executive presence are more successful at forming enduring relationships with their teams. They have the capacity for active listening, empathy, and efficient two-way communication. Leaders can promote a collaborative and inclusive work environment by developing rapport and understanding with employees at all levels. At the heart of successful leadership lies the ability to connect and engage with your team effectively. Leaders with executive presence actively listen to their team members, demonstrating genuine interest in their perspectives, concerns, and ideas.

This practice fosters trust and respect within the workplace, empowering team members to share their thoughts openly. Moreover, leaders cultivate empathy, understand the emotions and experiences of their team, and lead with compassion and consideration. Efficient two-way communication ensures that information flows transparently throughout the organization, encouraging feedback and diverse viewpoints. Leaders with executive presence treat each individual with the same respect and consideration, promoting an inclusive approach that empowers every team member to contribute their unique perspectives. This fosters a collaborative work environment, fueling creativity and problem-solving capabilities. Team members feel genuinely connected to their leader, becoming more invested in their work and the organization’s objectives. As a result, employee morale and engagement soar, leading to higher productivity and retention rates.

Leadership Presence Program

The Leadership Presence Program from Corporate Class Inc. has been developed to assist executives in improving their executive presence and elevating their leadership abilities. This renowned program offers interactive learning modules, exercises, and tests that users can finish at their speed. The program covers various executive presence topics, such as making a great first impression, communicating effectively, leading with intention, and defining goals that will be met. Participants with access to skilled facilitators can enhance their charisma, self-assurance, and leadership influence.

Improving executive presence has several advantages for both people and businesses. Leaders with executive presence can boost success and establish a great work environment by increasing performance, enhancing business culture, inspiring confidence, and fostering meaningful connections. The leadership development courses offered by Corporate Class Inc. equip participants with the skills they need to become extraordinary leaders and leave a lasting impression. Contact Corporate Class Inc. to learn more about their revolutionary leadership programs and take the first step towards improving executive presence.

Executive Presence for Women Leaders

Exuding Executive Presence adds a layer of challenges and opportunities for women to excel in the workplace. Diane Craig, President & Founder, Corporate Class Inc., shares her observations.

We are slowly and steadily overcoming the various challenges resulting from the pandemic. We have more lessons to learn as workplaces worldwide are moving towards a hybrid model of work-from-home and from working in the office, which requires current and aspiring leaders to step up and up-skill to lead teams.

Women, in general, tend to take on more responsibilities in raising children and ensuring their households run as efficiently as their offices do.

But, how does one exude Executive Presence, 24/7, with no breaks and no clear distinction in their work and home spaces?

Expert coach, Diane Craig, answers key questions to help address.

What defines Executive Presence for women now as we move towards a hybrid model of work cultures?

Executive Presence always has and will always come down to how you show up in any situation and how you present yourself.

Your presence and engagement during a conversation in the office might be somewhat different from how you show up on an online platform, however, the basic guidelines remain the same.

When you enter your office or a boardroom for a meeting, others immediately develop a first impression of how you are doing today — if you look happy or weighed down, if you will be able to contribute to a conversation effectively, etc. This first impression sets the tone for the rest of the engagement.

Energy flows where intention goes, and those around you pick up on where your energy is flowing at the moment.

Executive Presence is really about the ability to connect authentically and to inspire and motivate those around you.

We say that inspiring is the pull, motivating is the push.

So, if I want to pull my team in and engage them, I, as a leader, need to show up authentically.

For some, let’s say you are an introvert, at times, you will have to stretch yourself, and express yourself more passionately than you normally would to show you are excited about what you are talking about. This may not be your preferred communication style, but that’s what it will take for your message to be as impactful as you want it to be.

As we start to move fluidly between working from home and the office, there are more demands on most women, many of whom are within the sandwich generation. How do we manage that?

First, it needs to be understood and communicated within the family. A friend of mine said while her children were role-playing, her five-year-old told his playmate, “Can’t you see I am on a Zoom call?” while pretending to work on a laptop. We were both taken aback because we would have never thought of saying things like that when we were five. This just speaks to how our children pick up on the behaviours around them and also have developed their understanding of our challenges.

The second most important step to exuding executive presence, after showing the best version of your authentic self, is to be present in the moment. We need to navigate these situations using solutions like sticky notes on the door indicating your office is off-limits right now, scheduling meetings around your children’s schedule if required, and communicating your needs to your partner and team. Of course, it isn’t going to be perfect, and it takes a lot of practice, however, it lays the foundation for your success.

A good leader needs to adapt to unforeseen challenges to engage and motivate those around them under any circumstance. You have to be that role model.

How does developing Executive Presence differ for women?

Over the last 30 years, I have coached, worked with, and mentored many women. Two things I hear most often are:

  1. they doubt themselves a lot more than their male counterparts and
  2. their passion often gets equated with “being emotional.”

Both result from systemic practices and stereotypes that are believed to be true and are not backed by evidence.

The first factor results from the old style of leadership where command and control ruled the boardroom.

We think of men as confident and women as capable in our teams, and that needs to change.

As a woman, if you are invited to speak about something in a meeting or conference, it’s because you are an expert in the field and you should own it. It’s the same with applying for jobs. The lack of confidence keeps most women from getting through doors, not for lack of experience, expertise, or abilities, more often it is just about confidence and interrupting that self-doubt.

That’s why I love organizations such as The White Ribbon, whose mandate is to enable men to help develop women’s voices. It’s important for women to have male mentors and champions who help them overcome their fears and self-doubt, which are often baseless.

If women are passionate about an idea or a project, they are often perceived as emotional especially in non-inclusive workplaces.

In developing your Executive Presence as a woman, be true to yourself and remain authentic. This requires you to be assertive. Asserting oneself means respecting yourself by speaking up your mind, respecting others by acknowledging their point of view and, without expectation of them necessarily agreeing with you.

This is different from aggression, which disrespects others; and from passivity, which disrespects yourself. If you are passive-aggressive, you disrespect both yourself and those around you.  The benefit of developing an Executive Presence is that you show up like you belong.

Any tips on developing executive presence for women leaders?

Truly believe in your abilities and experiences. Do not invalidate yourself or diminish your power.

In order to be anointed as a leader, you first have to be perceived as one.

If you don’t believe you have that presence when you’re in a meeting, when you’re presenting, when you’re interacting with others, it’s going to be difficult for anyone to be influenced or persuaded by you.

They’re still going to doubt that you’re that leader that I want to work with, that I want to listen to, that I want to role model and that I want to learn from.

The secret of executive presence for women, in many ways, is the same as it is for men…

  • It is displaying your authenticity, your motivations and inspirations, and living them.
  • It involves speaking the truth with assertiveness and not aggressiveness.
  • It involves showing up at your authentic best, being present in the moment, and communicating challenges to your immediate loved ones and your teams to overcome challenges to be the best versions of ourselves.

Are you a woman leader ready to build your executive presence?

Experience the power of our leadership and executive presence training for women at Corporate Class. Our expert facilitators offer personalized in-person and live online programs tailored to enhance executive presence for women leaders. Discover our Individual Training options or reach out to us for hosting a bespoke Business Workshop.

You can also master your Executive Presence skills with CCI’s Online Self-Paced Leadership Presence System!
leadership presence training program

What is Leadership Presence? (And Why It’s So Important in Today’s Workplace)

What is leadership presence by CCI

Discover the transformative power of leadership presence as you embark on a journey of personal and professional growth. At Corporate Class Inc., we believe that true leaders possess a unique blend of gravitas, confidence, and authenticity that captivates and inspires those around them. Whether you’re a seasoned executive seeking to enhance your leadership skills or an aspiring leader aiming to make a lasting impact, our comprehensive program on Leadership Presence is designed to unlock your full potential. Step into the spotlight and command attention with our expert guidance, tailored strategies, and practical tools. Unleash the leader within and navigate your path to success with a powerful and captivating presence. Explore the world of Leadership Presence at Corporate Class Inc. and take charge of your leadership journey today.

Think of the most famous actors and politicians in our day and age — Meryl Streep, Kate Winslet, Barack Obama – they instantly command your attention when they walk into a room to give a speech or step onto the red carpet.

Why is that?

It is not simply because they are famous, but rather, they possess presence, and gravitas is at the heart of Executive Presence.

One key factor of leadership presence – and in turn of these famous figures — is that they command the attention of others almost effortlessly. 

People stop and notice, wanting to know what they say or do next, they are captivating and easily draw us in with their humble confidence.

What Does Leadership Presence Look Like, Feel Like and Sound Like?

People who show up with Leadership Presence:

  1. Look like: they are comfortable, humble and engaged
  2. Feel like: they are warm, friendly and approachable
  3. Sound like: they speak with conviction, clarity, brevity, and respect

So, what is leadership presence?

At Corporate Class Inc., we define leadership presence as the ability to connect authentically, build confidence in others, and inspire and motivate people into action.

leadership presence

Some say Executive Presence is a subset of Leadership Presence, but we believe these terms are interchangeable.

When you look at the description of each according to different authors, they are most often referring to the same thing.

The reason why Leadership Presence is more prevalent now is that it is more inclusive.

Leadership Presence is something that shows up at every level of the organization, not only at the Senior or C-Suite levels.

Building confidence requires a good amount of self-regard, which is all about self-respect and self-worth. The leadership implications of self-regard expand further than many realize.

Your self-confidence gives you the ability to:

  • inspire (the pull)
  • motivate (the push)
  • innovate (create)

It also commands respect and trust from others. It helps fuel success!

Why is Leadership Presence Important?

“Presence is the ability to connect authentically with the thoughts and feelings of others.” (Halpern and Lubar)

As is evident by this statement, the underlying structure of presence is the ability to connect.

This ability to connect, or what is commonly known as “charisma,” is what brings people and teams together.

Influential leaders or actors can command your attention in a room full of their peers because they connect with you on a deeper level, which increases their ability to motivate and inspire their followers or fans.

This is why the world is moving away from the more toxic and traditional ideas of leadership such as the “Command and Control” style and towards a more authentic, inclusive, and empathetic style of leadership.

Our favorite teachers, bosses, peers, and clients are those who form meaningful relationships with us, champion us, and push us to do better for ourselves.

Hence, every aspiring leader must work on their ability to connect authentically which requires a great deal of vulnerability at times.

As the CTI report states: “Executive Presence alone won’t get you promoted…but its absence will impede your progress.”

The extraordinary thing about leadership presence is its accessibility. In fact, it’s attainable to everyone with the will to succeed.

At CCI, we strongly believe that:

Leadership Presence is neither exclusive nor elusive.™

Developing Leadership Presence

There is a common misconception that the ability to develop leadership presence:

  • comes naturally to a person
  • does not come naturally
  • only comes to those who have been given certain opportunities

Many believe that a person without this ability to connect or have charisma is out of luck.

However, as experts in our business, and the authors Halpen and Lubar, we agree that this is not the case.

The authors state, “Presence is a set of skills, both internal and external, that virtually anyone can develop and improve” (Halpern and Lubar 3).

Yes, leadership presence is something you can develop. But…

It requires commitment because it is multi-faceted, it is about developing core competencies for the role you’re in, and, more importantly now more than ever, it is about continually working on developing your emotional intelligence, social skills and interpersonal savvy.

These are skills in low supply at all levels and most difficult to develop according to research stated in the Korn Ferry Leadership Architect research and technical guide. If you’d like more information on how to develop a leadership presence, we would be happy to send you a copy of this research.

The Elements of Leadership Presence

At CCI, our research and experience has taught us that there are in fact several elements of leadership presence and we have combined all of these under 4 key pillars:

First Impressions

Sometimes we nail it sometimes we fail it. What are the key components of First Impressions? Your likeability, credibility, power and appearance. As Joan tells Alan Turing in the movie The Imitation Game, “It doesn’t matter how smart you are, they will not help you if they don’t like you.”

Communication Skills

We communicate verbally and non-verbally. Both methods are equally important when it comes to speaking with clarity, brevity and impact.

Pay attention to the body language, the small words we use that sometimes carry so much weight. For example:  Asking “Why” may sound accusatory, “You should” may denote a negative aggressive tone.

The way you communicate reflects on your personal brand as well. Your personal brand is your reputation currency and you must manage it — if you don’t others will happily do it for you and it may not be what you want to be known for.

Purpose Driven Leadership Competencies

The inclusive leader is self-aware and provides a safe environment for all to have their voices heard without fear of retribution.  Great leaders understand the important role emotional intelligence plays in all interactions and how to stretch their leadership style when needed in order to get things done.


If it’s worth living, it’s worth recording. Mine for goals, define them, refine them and attach a strategy to each of them. For each strategy, develop an action commitment plan to help you reach every one of your goals.

By including the elements of leadership presence in your leadership style, you’ll connect better and faster, know how to project credibility, stay calm under pressure, captivate an audience and much more!

Benefits of Leadership Presence Training

Leadership Presence Training with an expert is beneficial and recommended for all professionals, as it helps individuals see and understand themselves from an external lens, and develop their strengths and improve on their weaknesses.

The process for leadership presence training requires:

Commitment: a commitment to introspect, reflect and work on certain tendencies and overcome insecurities in challenging situations to assert one’s presence.

Readiness to learn: It also includes the learning of new techniques to help become a more persuasive and influential leader.

Apply the training: Finally, for ultimate effectiveness, it’s critical to take this learning and apply it in your daily work, and look for assignments that will require you to use these newly learned skills.

We learn 70% on the job, 20% from people, and 10% from training.

Once you apply your training in a real situation, the stakes are higher and the learning is truly experiential and transformative.

Often, this is not an easy journey and hence, requires an experienced coach.

We have learned from our experience, and this exercise is always cathartic for each individual, in addition to helping them move up the ladder in their careers.

Leadership presence training enables each person to assert their individuality and form more meaningful and deep relationships with those around them, which results in stronger teams, higher performance, and a culture of empowering ourselves and those around us.

At Corporate Class Inc., our team has conducted extensive research on executive and leadership presence. We also have combined experience running into triple-digit years in the leadership presence training and coaching space. Our goal is to empower people to unlock their potential. Let us help you on your journey to empower yourself and others.

Master your leadership presence skills with CCI’s Online Self-Paced Leadership Presence System!

leadership presence training program

Works Cited

Halpern, Belle Linda and Kathy Lubar. Leadership Presence: Dramatic Techniques to Reach Out, Motivate and Inspire. New York: Gotham Books, 2003. Print.

What is Executive Presence Training (And Why it Matters More Than Ever)

A professional in business attire, presenting with confidence in front of an audience, using hand gestures.

Executive presence training focuses on developing the characteristics, skills, and behaviors needed to exhibit a commanding presence as a leader. Aspiring to lead involves the desire to make a positive impact, inspire others to improve, and leave a lasting legacy. Our training helps you cultivate the executive presence necessary to lead organizations and make a meaningful difference in the world.

Leadership is often associated with key traits and skills we expect people to have, at times, we correlate leadership with positions held.

Indeed, leadership is those things and more; it is the ability to have others willingly follow your lead – regardless of the position held.

For many organizations, one of the biggest challenges facing them is pipeline issues and succession planning.

While businesses know they need to develop both these tracks, few have a clear path with the exception of perhaps the most senior role(s).

However, if organizations want to thrive and prosper, they need to develop their talent pipeline and often, the most critical skill is leadership presence and in particular executive presence training.

What is Executive Presence?

So, what exactly is executive presence?

It can mean different things to different people; simply put, leadership or executive presence comes from being authentic, building confidence in others, and inspiring others to take meaningful action.

Leadership and developing your executive presence, specifically, is a journey of personal transformation of:

  • who you are;
  • the kind of leader you are;
  • and the kind of leader you want to be

Considered the gold standard in the industry for many reasons, executive presence training is anchored in 30+ years of research and is grounded on understanding the neuroscience of the brain; recognizing that positive change comes with managing triggers, behaviors, and your ability to self-manage in situations to achieve excellent outcomes.

How to Develop Executive Presence Through Executive Presence Training

While developing your leadership is achieved through different methods, executive presence workshops are a key differentiator because it supports the growth of your courage, confidence, and strengthens your communication skills, build empathy and enhance your active listening.

Individuals who develop executive presence influence their leadership strategy thus impacting their personal journey and building their capacity to seek opportunity and stand out among leaders.

So why is executive presence different and cited as the gold standard?

The impact stems from the personal development of an individual such that there is a great deal of self-reflection while building capacity and skills that develop a person in a fulsome way.

For example, when we think of great leaders, we associate humble confidence and the ability to project knowledge with credibility.

But, how do you gain credibility and confidence?

It comes with developing trust and making consistently good impressions.  This lasting impression on people is created through consistency in:

  • communication;
  • knowledge of your area of specialization;
  • being authentic,
  • lifting others

For example, when we think of leaders, we associate the ability to communicate effectively and powerfully and in doing so, that quiet confidence comes through.

However, this impression is more than words we use, it is how present we are and how we present (or how we show up) that supports and defines the impression we make.

For example, if you are speaking and moving back and forth, looking down, speaking in a monotone, or fidgeting, with arms crossed, imagine the impression you make to an audience regardless of how well you know the material.

Leadership presence training develops and teaches an individual to hone the skills to communicate effectively such that what you say and how you say speaks to and reflects your personal brand and the high value you bring as a person along with your knowledge and contributions.

Executive presence also develops leadership in individuals by empowering them to better understand the executive brain and its functionality; specifically, the individual’s triggers and how to manage them and the responses effectively.

The ability to hone and strengthen your interpersonal skills can help navigate workplace politics and challenges critical to leadership success.

Benefits of Executive Presence Training

Leadership and those with executive presence are highly sought after.

Every organization wants excellent staff and colleagues who have leadership skills and potential, because these individuals will rise to the occasion, and help lead the organization in times of crisis in a way that instills trust, minimizes disruption and leverages strategic competencies.

Leaders do not just focus on results; leaders with executive presence build on their knowledge and leverage their credibility, confidence and excellent interpersonal skills to make a lasting and positive impression.

Executive Presence requires developing competencies and investment in yourself to empower and expand your career potential.

At Corporate Class Inc., our executive presence training in Toronto and across the globe is designed in such a way that reflection and practice become an integral part of your personal and professional development.

Change and a growth mindset happen when individuals seek to learn, invest in their leadership journey and open themselves up to becoming a better version of themselves. Like all great skills, it also comes with practicing what you learn.

Executive presence training is an investment in your current and future self; it is the gift that keeps on giving.

Why You Need Executive Presence Coaching

When you are present, confident, and reflective and lead with authenticity, you build your Executive Presence and these skills and experience are game changers.

Diane Craig, President of Corporate Class Inc., emphasizes that, “to be crowned a leader, a person must be recognized as a leader. Our role is empowering people to lead. Executive presence is a blend of related parts that vary according to personality and circumstance. There is no formula; every client is unique. We ensure they evolve and develop their own authentic professional presence.”

As one aspiring leader and participant has shared, “Through our discussions, I have much greater awareness and understanding of how my behaviors and impressions may hold me back from unlocking my potential as an executive. The approach is based on research and the latest thinking on developing executive presence. The advice has been truthful and direct, yet delivered in a kind way that helps me internalize it, remember it at the moment, and reach for different behaviors. There are certainly other vendors in this space, but I’d be surprised if their service came close to that offered by this high-touch, highly effective team.”

Corporate Class Inc. conducts executive presence workshops around the world — from the Americas, to Europe and the Gulf.

CEOs have endorsed our training and executive presence coaching because of its strong value proposition; “The investment I made with Corporate Class has helped me personally and increased my business exponentially. This program has reinforced the value we place on a work environment that is based on respect. Understanding and consideration for our internal and external clients. This training has also supported our employees in their career development, proving to be a great professional and personal investment for everyone who attended.”

Top business schools around the world recognize Executive Presence as critical to closing the gap between talent and exceptional leadership by finding your voice, developing the quiet confidence to navigate what comes your way, and leveraging and maximizing your strengths, Our client list speaks to the impact our programs have made on our patrons and their organizations around the world.

Unlock your full potential and empower others with Corporate Class Inc. Take your first step towards success with our executive presence training program.

Our Online Self-Paced Leadership Presence System is designed to help you master executive presence skills through personalized training.

leadership presence training program

Elevating Business Performance through Punctuality in the Workplace

punctuality in business and in the workplace

The significance of punctuality in the workplace is instilled in us early on in our lives, and its relevance remains constant in our professional lives.

Why is punctuality important in the workplace? Punctuality at work informs many aspects of Executive Presence. Being on time helps you establish a good reputation and allows others to trust you. When you are punctual, your professional image appears polished and organized, rather than hurried and haphazard. Above all, it’s simply the professional standard to be consistently punctual. Yet many people still fail to meet this standard.

Here are a few examples of professional contexts where punctuality is important – and why being on time can be a deal breaker. If you are someone who is chronically late, let these examples inspire you to become an early bird!

First Impressions: Interviews & Initial Meetings

punctuality at interview

It should go without saying, but it is never acceptable to be late for an interview. This is such a common standard that some employers will refuse to interview a candidate if they are even one or two minutes late.

Other than interviews, there are many contexts where first impressions and punctuality go hand in hand. For example, consider the early stages of a partnership or a deal. If the person with whom you are negotiating walks into a meeting 10 minutes late, would you trust them to stay organized and present throughout your relationship? The answer is likely no. In this case, something as harmless as a bad habit can ruin a business relationship before it even begins.

Meeting Deadlines and Completing Work on Time

When you consistently complete documents, finish projects, or produce any other kind of output on time, it reflects positively on your work ethic and your quality of work. Not only will colleagues notice your personal standards, but they will also acknowledge your commitment to your company and its success.

By contributing your work on time, your actions show that you want your company to stay on track and meet its goals. Others in your organization will take note – and such a clear demonstration of dedication to a company is a solid foundation for advancing within that organization.

Arriving on Time for Internal Meetings

Images of a guy looking at his watch to be one time.

For regular internal meetings, some employees may deprioritize their importance and take a casual approach – which often entails showing up late. Even though regular meetings may not often be as critical as an initial meeting or a deal, do not assume that they are not “important.”

Close colleagues may understand if you are occasionally late due to bad traffic or a long appointment. However, avoid making a habit of tardiness to internal meetings. After a while, those in your company will begin to notice your style and it will begin to hinder how they perceive you. More importantly, this could affect how you advance within your company.

Workplace Productivity and Team Morale

Punctuality in the workplace is directly related to team morale. When people show up chronically late, the flow of work is disrupted, with other team members having to cover for delayed co-workers.

Tension and resentment can rise within a team, with punctual members feeling a lack of respect and getting agitated each time they need to cover for a colleague and take over additional responsibilities. Modern workspaces thrive on teamwork and interdependency, so if this becomes a pattern, it can dampen team morale and reduce the overall productivity of a team.

Reflect Your Company’s Reputation

In today’s cut-throat competitive market, companies that don’t consistently deliver on time, fall out of favor. No matter what role you play, being committed to punctuality showcases your commitment to your client — a sign of someone who demonstrates the desire to do the job well, and is well-prepared.

Every employee is a reflection of the organization. When someone is chronically late, it reflects on the firm or the business. This can cause customers to lose confidence. An unfavorable vibe about your company may also start floating in the community, leading to fewer referrals and less business.

Be Perceived as a Future Leader

Punctuality in the workplace and in business reflects professionalism. Your reputation and the way you are perceived are important assets to getting ahead. When team leaders regard you as punctual, and someone they can rely on, they are more likely to include you in new and important projects, as no one wants to work with someone who is likely to miss a critical deadline.

Simply being on time puts you in a position to be seen as more competent, loyal and dedicated to your work and the firm. These qualities come in handy to be perceived as a future leader, especially when management is looking to promote.

How to Encourage Punctuality in Business and the Workplace

So, how can you inspire employees to be on time and promote punctuality in the workplace?

As a business leader, the most important thing you can do is to lead by example.

Model the desired behavior you expect by arriving to work on time and starting meetings and trainings on the dot. In the workplace, being punctual holds significant importance. Addressing tardiness through warnings and suspensions often proves ineffective in altering behavior.

A more effective approach is to recognize and reward employees who consistently arrive on time. Consider granting them additional bonuses or extra time off. This approach offers genuine motivation for those who struggle with punctuality.

Above are a few examples of the many contexts in which punctuality in the workplace and in business is key to building leadership presence and the progression of your career or company. After all, there is much truth to the saying, “The early bird catches the worm!”

Join the Leadership Workshop to strengthen your leadership skills and executive presence to enable you to effectively lead and guide your team in attaining essential skills such as punctuality in the workplace.

Tech-addiction: Decrease your screen time + increase your presence

tech addiction

Last week we discussed power posing and its effects on one’s feelings of confidence and power. Power posing before a stressful event, such as delivering a speech or a presentation, can help to decrease nerves and increase your presence when you step into the spotlight.

That’s exactly what Executive Presence is all about – engaging in behaviors that increase your presence, both in front of others as well as behind closed doors.

Because we live in an ultra-high-tech society – one might say, a tech-addicted society – the ability to remain present, and to exude presence, is becoming more and more difficult. We are constantly glued to our mobile devices; cell phones, laptops, computers, tablets… We seem to always be half in, half out, and rarely fully present in the moment. We are always checking for that email, text message or notification. We are often unaware of what we’ve just checked out of, such as an important conversation with a colleague or boss.

Less is more

There is a time and a place for everything. This saying is highly applicable when discussing the use of technology within professional settings. Most of us require the use of technology to do our jobs, complete our tasks, and organize our lives. We have become so dependent on these devices that interrupting a conversation or a meeting to check the source of the buzz or beep has become standard. This lack of awareness, or habit of ignoring the outside world for what’s happening inside our device, is effectively robbing us of our presence.

We must not forget that business thrives on relationships. It also thrives on responding to emails in a timely fashion, and at the end of the day, the need to do so comes down to retaining relationships (with the receiver, with the company, etc.). When amongst peers, colleagues, and superiors, how can we build on existing relationships, or create new ones, if we are constantly checking for new emails?

When you spend less time on your mobile devices, you have more time to spend in face-to-face interactions. It helps you stay focused and present, and others will take notice. It will help to increase your listening skills, one of the core traits of Executive Presence.

Strategic screen time

It’s not only about spending less time looking at our screens, but ensuring that the time we do spend is strategic. Here are some tips for increasing strategic screen time:

  • Instead of bringing your phone with you into your next meeting, leave it in your office
  • Instead of putting your phone on the table at your next client lunch (which seems to have become the norm), leave it in your purse of briefcase
  • Give yourself a limit of two, five-minute social media checks throughout the day (if not one!)

Increasing your focus by forgoing distractions, such as checking your phone, will serve to immediately increase your presence. This can be a scary thought and overwhelming to some, so start with small goals, such as not bringing your phone to your next meeting. Remember, your emails will still be there waiting for you when you return!

P.S. check out this article for a more in-depth examination of our “tech-addiction.”

The One Skill All Great Speakers Possess

great speakers

Captivating an audience is not an easy feat, especially for those of us who are not “natural” public speakers, or who struggle with major stage fright. There is one skill guaranteed to keep your audience engaged and interested, and it doesn’t require making a sound. We’re talking about using silence in the form of well-timed pauses.
Stage fright is a real thing. It is rare that a person is a natural orator and can captivate an audience with little to no practice, and without anxiety. None of us are born with impeccable speaking skills, not even Barack Obama or Bill Clinton. Although some people are more comfortable on stage than others, they too have had to practice, practice, practice.

One Skill All Great Speakers Possess: Knowing How To Use Strategic Pauses

Do you possess effective oral presentation skills? All skilled speakers require lots of practice, and many have teams of coaches and communication experts behind them, à la Obama. For most of us, receiving feedback, learning tips and techniques along the way – strategic pauses, for example – and frequent practice will fill the bill.
Luckily, we don’t need an entourage of coaches to help us become the next Tony Robbins.
Whether it’s a presentation for colleagues, a keynote speech or simply story time with the kids, there is one sure-fire way to capture your audience’s attention: using silence in the form of strategically-placed pauses.

How to Do It

Great leaders and great speakers know their role is not simply to speak, but rather to make the audience think. An audience cannot possibly think, if it is busy trying to keep up with the rate of the speaker’s words and ideas!
Speakers often receive feedback that includes a suggestion to “slow down!!” It is not necessarily the rate of the words that is moving at hyper-speed, but rather, the rate of ideas.
When we tell our clients to “slow down,” we’re not talking about the rate of speech, but rather how quickly they are moving from one idea to another. This is where the well-timed, engaging pause comes in. Think about the flow of your ideas. Use pauses strategically when you switch from one idea to another. Watch audience members shift to the edge of their seat, as they anticipate what you’re going to say next.

Stage Fright: Why We Always Speak Too Quickly

Typically, we speak quickly when we’re under the spotlight because we are nervous (or terrified!) and want the experience to end as soon as possible. The thought of drawing out the presentation with pauses probably sounds like a nightmare. It’s critical to keep in mind that to you, the presentation probably feels like it is dragging on, never ending. For the audience, this isn’t the case. Inserting strategic pauses, thus slowing down the rate of ideas, will not bore your audience and will not lengthen your speech. All it will do is keep your audience interested and engaged. Slowing the rate of ideas will also increase your Executive Presence by sustaining your physical presence on-stage and helping you stay focused and calm. Remember: the audience is on your side and wants you to succeed.
Mark Twain was correct in saying, “The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.”

Self-Knowing and Authenticity

Alas! We have finally reached the last blog post on Leadership Presence – self-knowing and authenticity. Over the past few weeks, we’ve discovered what leadership presence means, what it can do for you, and how to attain it. Last week we began to dissect the final piece of the puzzle in the quest to obtaining leadership presence: self-knowing. This week, we continue with this theme but discuss it in terms of authenticity.


What is authenticity? Well, at its most basic level, it means to be genuine. To be genuine is to be oneself. The ability to connect with others in the business world is of the utmost importance, however the connecting must be done genuinely, or authentically, for it to have any meaning or impact.

According to Belle Linda Halpern and Kathy Lubar, authors of “Leadership Presence: Dramatic Techniques to Reach Out, Motivate and Inspire”, there are three rules for authenticity. We shall discuss each in detail below.

Rule #1: Accept yourself and be open to growth (Halpern and Lubar 230)

Many of the greatest leaders feel comfortable and happy with themselves, despite their shortcomings. They know of their weaknesses and work to improve them, however they also accept them. When you’re aware of, and accepting of, your limitations it will allow you to develop the skills you need to overcome them. In addition, a good leader will know if their limitations cannot be overcome, at least in a timely manner, and in that case will delegate the task to someone more appropriately equipped to handle the situation. One of the best ways to accept yourself is to be open to hearing commentary about yourself and your performance, including criticism.

Rule #2: Live your values (Halpern and Lubar 235)

 In the last blog, we discussed values and how important they are to a leader. Well, it’s one thing to have values, however it’s another to put them into practice, especially in a workplace setting. Halpern and Lubar suggest leaders take two related steps in order to make sure their actions are congruent with their values:

  1. Ask others straight up if they believe you are someone who lives your values.
  2. Every time you speak of your values, ask others to tell you when your actions don’t align with your values.

It’s one thing to realize or discover that your actions don’t align with your values. If and when you do realize this, it is imperative you do some soul searching in order to figure out why this discrepancy exists, and then come up with a plan to correct the discrepancy. Remember, when your actions and values don’t align, you risk being perceived as inauthentic.

Rule #3: Create an authentic connection to work (Halpern and Lubar 240)

In order for a leader to be their most inspiring, authentic self, they must connect their values and interior life to the work that they do, similarly to how actors need to create a true connection to the characters they are portraying. At the end of the day, it is simply about creating meaning; if you truly believe in what you do and say, others will recognize that and will want to follow you. Connecting authentically with others allows the leader, as well as the led, to connect with something “bigger than themselves and their own self-interest” (Halpern and Lubar 247).

Being a leader is not about being “the boss”; it is about much more than that. It’s about inspiring, connecting, and motivating others to succeed and reach their highest potential. It is about communication, values, and the ability to make decisions. The steps we’ve outlined over the past few weeks are not necessarily the easiest things to do (opening up to others and becoming vulnerable is typically an anxiety-causing activity for most), however, if put into practice, they will help you achieve the leadership presence you deserve and need to reach the next level.

Works Cited

Halpern, Belle Linda and Kathy Lubar. Leadership Presence: Dramatic Techniques to Reach Out, Motivate and Inspire. New York: Gotham Books, 2003. Print.