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Breakthrough Point Certification Program

3-Day Certification Workshop

Embark on a transformative journey with our Breakthrough Point Certification Program, designed to refine your leadership and coaching skills through knowledge and practical immediately applicable tips. This 3-day workshop will empower you to drive real impact and change in the lives of the business leaders you mentor and coach.

Click below to register for the program, and you’ll receive an email with a link to complete the assessment.

As a certified trainer in the Breakthrough Point Assessment, you’ll refine your coaching and leadership skills to a remarkable extent. With powerful tools at your disposal, gain valuable insights into the personalities and capabilities of the business leaders you mentor and coach.

The Breakthrough Point Certification Program

The Breakthrough Assessment Workshop is dedicated to investigating the Ten Traits Matrix essential for success.

1. Focus
2. Emotion
3. Composure
4. Certainty
5. Activity/Energy
6. Boldness
7. Responsibility
8. Correct Estimation
9. Empathy
10. Communication

The Three Main Trait Groups:

Group 1: Identity Traits:

This group focuses on traits that center around the individual, exploring:

Focus: The ability to concentrate, maintain mental focus, and stay present.

Emotion: Understanding and effectively managing emotions. Become familiar with the Emotional Scale.

Composure: Maintaining balance and composure in challenging scenarios.

Group 2: Productivity Traits:

This segment examines how individuals manage energy, determination, and responsibilities, focusing on:

Activity:  Evaluating energy levels and the quality of actions undertaken.

Boldness: Assessing the ability to overcome obstacles and the level of determination in seeing tasks through.

Responsibility: Analyzing a person’s capacity to assume ownership of challenges and exhibit resilience.

Group 3: Relationship Traits:

These traits help understand an individual’s ability to build and maintain personal and professional relationships, covering:

Correct Estimation: Evaluating the accuracy with which individuals perceive reality.

Empathy: Understanding and relating to the emotions and perspectives of others.

Communication: Assessing the effectiveness of conveying thoughts and ideas and the level of engagement one can create during conversations and presentations

Benefits of Certification:

Earn in three ways as a Certified Trainer:

  1. Get paid for giving clients access to the testing platform.
  2. Earn from mentoring and coaching clientsGet paid for delivering  group training sessions for companies.

Additional Benefits:

  • Learn how to debrief with the unique BTP Protocol which you can use in other areas of your coaching.
  • Re-engage clients with a free redo of their assessments to see improvement
  • Get access to all training slides for the 3-day Certification Training so you can be up and running immediately.
  • Get access to our 100-page manual for the 3-day Certification Training.
  • Get access to our proven workshop slide presentation deck to convert interested prospects to paid clients.
  • Get access to our proven funnel that converts people to your workshop.
  • Life-time support to ensure your continued success.
  • Everything you need to create success fast in this Success Package above

3-Day Workshop Details:

Day 1: Gaining Knowledge

Get a deep understanding of The Breakthrough Point Assessment. Knowing how the different traits operate and how the dynamic between the traits reveals a much more comprehensive picture of the person.

  • Get a full understanding of each one of the traits, how they work, and are being expressed.
  • Discover what Syndromes and Compulsions are and how these two make up 90% of an individual’s personality and are also the very thing that is holding them back the most.
  • Know the person’s main Breakthrough Point, and their Breakthrough Point in Being, Doing, and Having.
  • How to develop programs for transformation and change based on the results from the Breakthrough Point Assessment.

Day 2: Practice and Integration.

Now you’ve got the knowledge, time to make it real. Integrate to knowing.

  • Learn how to evaluate the results as an expert Breakthrough Point Assessment Evaluator.
  • Get to use our Evaluator Template to make your evaluations easy to do and ensure you are giving your client an optimal empowering experience.
  • Roleplays on how to deliver your evaluations to your prospective clients so you can do this with confidence and know you can do an amazing debrief.
  • Discover our 60-second quick Evaluation to quickly understand a person, predict their behaviors, and how to best work with them.

Day 3: Earning and Making a Difference

Let’s Get Clients. The Breakthrough Assessment Formula.

  • Create your own Breakthrough Assessment Client Value Journey.
  • Get to learn our proven Breakthrough Point Assessment Formula Enrolment Script.
  • Real practice in enrolling clients using the Breakthrough Point Assessment Enrolment Script.
  • Learn how to coach your client through The Breakthrough Point Protocol to release the one thing that is holding your client back from their goals.
  • Learn how to use advertising and organic social media marketing to attract and enroll clients using The Breakthrough Point Assessment Formula Marketing Strategies.
  • Walk away knowing you can attract and enroll clients on demand.

Register for the Breakthrough Point Certification Program below, and receive an email with a link to complete your assessment.

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Your workshop on Leadership Presence provided great insights in helping us tackle some of our daily communication opportunities. The experience was engaging and interactive. The real life examples made it even more compelling. Thank you!

The Intel Corporation logo styled with blue text on a white background.

Adriana Quevedo

Director of Executive Search
and On Boarding,
Intel Solutions

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