Executive Presence Communication: Verbal vs Non-Verbal

According to Professor Albert Mehrabian’s now-famous research findings, most human communication is non-verbal. He found that only seven percent of what we communicate is to be found in the actual words we use. Of the remaining 93%, 55% percent is non-verbal (i.e., body language), and 38% is in the tone of our voices. Therefore, to understand the intricacies of Executive Presence communication, we need to know how our body language expresses and demonstrates our ability to provide effective leadership (or doesn’t). You will never inspire others to achieve and follow your lead through your words alone. The majority of your Executive Presence is in your body language.  

Enhancing Verbal Skills for Effective Leadership

Although non-verbal cues make up most of your communication, that does not mean that verbal communication is insignificant. What you say absolutely matters, so you need to hone your ability to choose your words and express them appropriately. Remember that 38% of your communication does depend on vocal cues – your tone of voice – how you say things, which really goes hand-in-hand with your word choice.  

It is particularly important to express yourself clearly and precisely when communicating online. Effective leaders choose their words carefully and aim to enhance understanding and reduce ambiguity as much as possible. Enhance your verbal skills by focusing on what it is you need your team to know. Wordiness can often obscure meaning rather than express it, so try to say as much as possible with as few words as possible. You will need to explain and qualify what you mean, but if you make brevity your aim, you will make your communications more economical and impactful. As Blaise Pascal said so well, “If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter. “

The Impact of Non-Verbal Communication

Since more than half of our communication is non-verbal, the impact of non-verbal communication is highly significant. People can learn more from how you stand and gesticulate while you say something than from what you actually say. 

With this in mind, you must learn to be aware of what you communicate non-verbally. Become conscious of it, and then be intentional with it. That is the key to Executive Presence communication. You must be able to project leadership, whether you are standing right in front of your team or talking to them through a camera.

Online communication does take away some of your non-verbal communication ability. However, you still have your hands, your eyes, and your facial expressions. You need to learn to use these more effectively if you are to project good Executive Presence online. At the same time, your verbal, particularly vocal, skills will become more important when speaking to people via a digital platform. 

Integrating Verbal and Non-Verbal Strategies

Effective leadership requires 100% of your communication skills and strategies, which means that non-verbal, vocal, and verbal skills must be consciously used together. Depending on the setting, you are likely to use these different combinations. For example, if you are giving a presentation in a boardroom, you will fully use your body language and your vocal and verbal abilities. When seated in front of a webcam, on the other hand, you will need to rely more on your vocal and verbal strategies while modifying your non-verbal cues for that limited setting. The perfect combination of verbal and non-verbal elements can be trained and strategized.

Communication Training for Leaders

To a certain extent, communication comes naturally. However, effective leadership communication is something that can be taught and developed. To start you off, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Be conscious of the impression you wish to make and ensure that your body language (your facial expression if you are meeting online) reflects that.
  • Smile. Authentic smiling exudes warmth and empathy. Don’t overdo it, though. It needs to be appropriate to the situation, and it must be seen as genuine.
  • Be careful with your posture. Slumping makes you look like you lack confidence, are low in energy, or simply don’t take proper care of yourself. Stay upright and hold your head high.
  • Make good use of eye contact – this is how you connect personally to people. Remember, when using a webcam, that you need to look directly at the camera if you want to be seen to be making eye contact with others.

Corporate Class Inc. is a global authority in leadership coaching and empowerment. We strive to develop exceptional leaders and to assist organizations in developing effective leadership approaches. Contact us if you want to understand more about Executive Presence communication in physical and online contexts.

Ways To Tell If You Are A Great Boss

Ways To Tell If You Are A Great Boss

An experienced manager knows how to inspire and motivate their team. They also understand the importance of getting to know their team, sharing credit for wins, and knowing when it is time to coach, mentor or provide timely feedback to team members.

Here are a few other ways you can tell you are a fantastic boss:

You Are Prepared To Coach

A good boss knows they need to step in and coach their teams and when they can remain on the sidelines and let people figure things out on their own. 

Managers hire employees who have the relevant skills and expertise to thrive in specific positions. As a result, bosses rarely need to teach employees how to do their jobs. However, managers can teach employees about the company culture and processes. When managers provide employees with the relevant training to help them succeed in their roles, employees feel more capable and confident. Moreover, they will be more willing to ask for help and recognize when they’ve made mistakes.

You Can Take The Blame

Bad bosses will shift the blame onto team members when a project or task goes wrong. However, a good boss can admit that they made a mistake and help teams move forward from failure.

Additionally, some bosses think that admitting mistakes and imperfections will make them seem weak and lose the respect of colleagues. But the opposite is true. Owning up to mistakes can encourage your team to trust you more. Good bosses are positive role models for employees. As a result, they can encourage employees to adopt the same values and approach workplace challenges the same way. 

You Deliver Honest Feedback

Nobody is perfect and we all have room for growth. As a result, it’s crucial for leaders to give employees constructive feedback. Great bosses know how to deliver honest feedback that can help employees grow and improve their skills. 

You Get to Know Team Members

Great bosses understand that it’s important to bond with their entire team and colleagues. Spending time with employees outside of the office can help them trust you more and feel more engaged at work. You can build relationships with team members by greeting them whenever you see them at work, attending team-building events, and initiating casual water-cooler chats. Ensure you remember details about your employees. This shows them that you care and you can bring up those specific details in future conversations. Additionally, remember to share information about yourself as well. Doing so will help you connect with your team and let them know that you are only human!

You Give Autonomy

Great team leaders avoid micromanagement by showing team members that they trust their judgment and capabilities. Such managers ask for feedback periodically and offer assistance when needed. Additionally, ensure you don’t limit your staff to one way of completing a task. Instead, celebrate employees who come up with new systems or processes for tasks, especially if it boosts productivity and efficiency. 

If you want to improve your leadership presence and skills, check out the workshops we offer at Corporate Class. In this highly-acclaimed live online leadership skills development workshop, you’ll learn what it takes to develop and master your “presence” as a leader or boss. Interactive and powerful, you’ll walk away with insight and tools to help establish a high level of personal charisma, confidence, clarity, and impact. This effective leadership workshop has been delivered to Fortune 500 companies around the world and is designed to support continued advancement and upward mobility.

Who should attend?

  • C-Suite Executives
  • Senior Leaders
  • Managers
  • Anyone who wants to improve their leadership skills

If you want to improve your leadership skills and become a great boss, contact us today!

Effective Leadership in Changing Times — Looking Back at the Year Where the World Had to Pivot

effective leadership in changing times

Is there anything to be said about the past year of dealing with COVID-19 that hasn’t been said already?

I believe, yes, there is. The year 2020-21 has been the year of momentous change where every individual, irrespective of race, faith, gender, socioeconomic class, and organizations across sectors had to pivot.

The world witnessed unprecedented changes and our collective ability to adapt to challenging times and channel our leadership abilities on an individual and community level.

As a leadership coach and mentor, it was hard to miss the resilience of individuals and organizations, the power of teams and that of our leaders in hard times.

How did professional development and effective leadership training adapt to the ‘new normal’?

The first few weeks were unsettling because of the lack of knowledge about COVID-19 and preventative measures. We at CCI chose to work from home for what I originally thought would be a few weeks. I quickly realized this would be a lot longer hiatus and reached out to each of our clients to let them know we were still there for them. Like many within our industry, we had to pivot to a completely virtual setting to deliver all our programs and services.

Prior to 2020, I spent many hours at airports and lounges while traveling worldwide to support our clients. I would spend time in North and South America, Europe, the Middle East, and many places around the world to deliver training and private coach some of our elite senior level clients.

Now, both our clients and I have benefited from virtual sessions, which make better use of our time, financial resources, and the reduction in travel for non-essential reasons, has also helped the environment.

My leadership takeaway for the year has been to review our strategy and processes to be more efficient constantly.

I didn’t expect us to be equally successful at training or facilitating online, especially when dealing with topics such as body language and presentation skills.

However, through effective leadership training and interactive communication, we could easily replicate results in our virtual sessions, as indicated from our client’s feedback. Our success with our virtual sessions demonstrated how many non-essential processes we hang on to out of habit.

As human beings, we need connection. Connecting might be challenging for some when the recipient may choose not to have their camera on, limiting the visual cues available to the speaker. But I have learned that when the speaker chooses to be open, warm and authentic, listeners and team members do engage with the speaker through different means.

With that in mind, here are some of my takeaways on how organizations have adapted to the ‘new normal’ and are developing leaders who are thoughtful, inclusive and authentic:

We are human beings who value and need connections

Our evolving leaders need to rethink how to build connections and ensure the well-being of individuals within their teams given the complexities of a virtual workplace

In the first few months of the pandemic, we saw a surge in organizations doing happy hours and free pizzas for employees to maintain team morale. At first it was different, but then ‘Zoom fatigue’ sunk in and the novelty of these types of activities wore off, as the pandemic extended beyond a year, with several lockdowns and restrictions, impacting individual circumstances and at times, mental health.  

  • Do virtual social activities really help employees feel better equipped to handle their circumstances?
  • Did it empower them with the tools to demonstrate their skills online?

These are questions each team leader/organization must ask themselves before determining the right method to provide value to their employees.

For example, one of our biggest successes over the past year has been our How to Fascinate Workshop because it’s entertaining, informative and helps team members understand themselves and each other better.  

The workshop allows teams to bond, gain greater insights as to why people behave the way they do and how to ensure everyone can work together more effectively. It really is fascinating.

There are opportunities everywhere

The only way to really achieve success is to make your people your highest priority.

I delved into the increased resource efficiency with reduced traveling at the start of this blog, but I need to make a special mention of how much that has helped individuals. I noticed many of my clients benefiting from the reduced travel. They have more time for their families and themselves, and it’s less tiresome.

Many clients have told me they have been able to use the time to focus on their personal goals and health, while still being as productive as before.

Organizations and leaders must reconsider their work culture policies about working from home and traveling for work, as well as ensuring that employees are creating work-life boundaries that allow them to thrive.

Private coaching for your teams is a great way to invest in their personal development

In the first few months of the pandemic, we saw an increased interest from organizations about providing private coaching for their teams to help them deliver their presentations, sales pitches, and lead their teams virtually.

The demand for it led us to create our Leadership Presence: Online Training Program. Such programs empower leaders with the skills, confidence, and knowledge they need about human behaviour to inspire confidence and foster trust among a diverse team of employees.

Now, what can individuals do, you ask?

Here are my lessons for you on how to become an effective leader

Take the time to reflect!

This is my biggest advice for you.

Although traveling to work every day may have been stressful for some of you, the everyday commute provided us with an opportunity to reflect on our lives, listen to our favorite podcast and give our brain a break from our work. This time is essential. The only way to adapt and embrace change properly involves a lot of reflection and introspection.

Please take the time out in a day to reflect, and it can be as short as 10 minutes. This time will allow you to be more creative and approach your challenges from a different perspective. Maybe you do this by going for a walk or getting up a bit earlier than everyone in your household to have me time.

Yesterday’s leader is not tomorrow’s leader

Adapt to changing times.

The last year has demonstrated how leaders who lead with empathy perform better. New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Jacinda Arden, is a perfect example. Not only is New Zealand one of the most successful countries in the fight against COVID-19, but it is also a source of inspiration to many because of its use of empathy to inspire.

Our ideas of effective leadership have changed, and leaders today are expected to be personable, empathetic and inclusive. Authoritarian leadership has not performed well across the world.

Invest in yourself

This advice on how to become an effective leader is tied to the previous two points. With increased flexibility and the rapid changes in leadership expectations, it is vital that you invest in yourself.

Be it choosing a program to develop your leadership and presentation skills, your emotional intelligence, understanding how your brain works to improve your performance, or understanding how to lead diverse teams virtually.

I recommend taking the time to reflect and identify your strengths, weaknesses, and identify opportunities for professional development.

leadership presence training program

You need to up-skill to be the leader of tomorrow. And, there’s no better time than now.

More power to you!