How to Nail Your Next Skype Call

There is no question that technology has integrated itself so seamlessly in the world of business that almost no business transaction can be completed without its use. The need to keep up with the world of technology has never been so pronounced, especially when it comes to your career.



A relatively recent technology that has proven extremely valuable in the world of business is Skype. If you are unfamiliar with it, it is a software application that allows two people who have access to a computer to contact each other via the Internet; the webcam is also frequently used for video calling. Skype has allowed people from around the world to video-call each other for free.

More and more, Skype is becoming a convenient way of conducting meetings and interviews when a face-to-face situation is not possible. An interview over the phone is one thing, but the ability to see the other person is invaluable (we all know how important body language can be, especially in an interview setting). Skype interviews and meetings can sometimes be unnerving, so here we offer you some tips for the preparation of your next Skype call, so you can be as prepared as possible and nail it!

It’s all in the preparation

  • Although you may be in the comfort of your own home or office, that does not mean that you do not have to adequately prepare because you may have access to notes or documents that might help you through the call. It’s good to have some notes jotted down, but do not rely on them to get you through.
  • Because the individual on the other end of the call can see your home/office, it is integral that you clean before the interview! What will a potential employer think when he sees the messy room behind you?
  • Be sure to always use the washroom before your call. This may seem silly, but it won’t when you’re in the middle of explaining why you are the best candidate for the job and you have to excuse yourself to visit the restroom. This can be easy to forget, as you are already in a familiar setting.
  • Be sure to have anything you foresee yourself needing during the call at your nearest disposal. For example, it is always a good idea to have a glass of water nearby.
  • Be sure to do a test call just before your scheduled call to ensure that the framing of your computer is right, and that the lighting in the room is perfect.

Because of the comfort often associated with a Skype call (you are often in your safe space), it can be easy to forget some basic principles of a traditional job interview, such as adequate preparation, and even your self-presentation. It is important to remember, however, that the stakes are always high, and that the way you prepare for and present during a Skype call has profound and lasting effects on your executive presence!

Is it time to rebrand?

Many companies choose to rebrand from time to time in order to stay relevant and up-to-date, or to establish a new direction for their organization. This does not mean changing the core foundations of a company, but rather refreshing its look or brand imagery, repositioning its strengths, or changing its marketing tactics for a new target audience.


Just as rebranding occurs on a corporate level, it is also a good idea to consider whether your personal brand needs a refresh. Here are three tips to re-positioning your brand so it best reflects you and your professional goals.

  • Before You Begin: Self-Reflection
    Before you even think about what kind of changes you will implement to your brand, first consider high-level questions about how you see yourself as a professional. Where do you want to be in five years? What are your key strengths that could help you reach your goal? Who are important contacts that you should connect with?

    Revising a personal brand is not a decision to be made on a whim – it should be viewed as a long-term strategy in helping you establish your name, accomplishments, skills, and ideas to get you where you want to be now and in the future. Once you consider big questions about your professional path, it will be easier to think of how to position your brand.

  • Refreshing Your Brand Image
    Even if you are not planning for major career changes in the near future, it is still advisable to keep your personal brand image current.

    Replace your headshot at least every ten years to ensure that you are recognizable to new and existing contacts on your website and LinkedIn profile. For personalized stationery, business cards, and digital platforms like your website, ensure that visual elements such as colour scheme and typeface still represent you properly and do not appear outdated.

    If you choose to change up colours, fonts, or your professional headshot, make sure that the visual elements align on all platforms associated with your brand. This includes your resume, stationery, business cards, email signature, blog, website, and social media accounts. A mixture of old and new branding can appear sloppy.

  • Rethinking Self-Marketing Strategies
    How you present yourself to new contacts, on both digital platforms and face-to-face contexts, is an essential part of your personal brand.

    For meeting new professionals, it is helpful to have a clear and concise “elevator pitch” about yourself, including your interests and experience. Developing a self-summary will enable you to introduce yourself consistently to different people and will assist you in considering your objectives.

    Ensure that your self-introduction on digital platforms serves the same purpose. Your LinkedIn summary and profile should highlight the same elements of your verbal self-introduction. Further, the content you create on digital platforms, such as LinkedIn updates, blog posts, and tweets, should at least indirectly align with your brand identity.

Do not take a personal rebrand lightly: it should set the tone for your personal brand in years to come. Yet when done properly, a personal rebrand can set you on the right path to reach your professional goals.

For more on this topic, see our previous blog post, “Building Your Personal Brand.”

Give Your Best Job Interview: Prepare in Advance

With a job interview looming on the horizon, most of us would feel a little (or a lot) nervous as the big day approaches. The best way to conquer your anxiety is to be as prepared in advance as possible – so there are no surprises on interview day and you can focus your energy and attention on making a great first impression.

I encourage you to watch the video above.  In this clip, social psychologist Amy Cuddy shows how “power posing” — standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel confident — can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain, and might even have an impact on our chances for success. Amy Cuddy shares a great technique to use just before a job interview.

Here are a few ways to prepare in advance for a job interview, so that you can look and feel your professional best on interview day.

Choose your outfit days ahead of schedule

Nothing builds stress like tearing through your wardrobe for professional attire on the morning of an interview, only to find that nothing looks or fits properly. Instead, choose your outfit in advance – leaving at least a few days in case a suit or jacket needs to be dry-cleaned, tailored or mended.

Spend time carefully weighing your choices, making sure that you land on an outfit that is very professional and properly matching, leaving additional time to consider accessories. Ask for a second opinion from a friend or family member to make sure the outfit works – and to look it over for any stains or tears you may have missed.

Buy thank-you cards

Writing a thank-you card to every member of the interview team is an essential way to finish off an interview. In advance, find a set of professional yet elegant business thank-you cards and a fine pen.

Go the extra mile and pack a few thank-you cards in your portfolio or briefcase before you leave for the interview, so you can write and send them immediately afterward to ensure the cards arrive in the mail as soon as possible.

Know the interview location – and how much time it takes to get there

Simply knowing an address does not mean that you know exactly where the interview will take place. Find out precisely where you need to go: for example, if the office has a suite number not listed on the address, or if you will need to sign in at a security desk before getting to your destination.

In addition, research how much time it will take to get there, and if you have the opportunity, do a “practice run” from your house to the interview location. Take note of possible construction sites or delays due to traffic. On the day of the interview, try to budget even more time to account for unknown factors along the way. Being punctual to an interview is essential: if you are late, most likely you have already lost that job opportunity.

Brainstorm answers to sample questions

Think of several standard interview questions – you are almost always asked about your work history, experience, skills, strengths and weaknesses – and spend time brainstorming possible responses. There will be some unexpected questions during the interview, but likely you will be able to draw upon what you have thought of in advance. Also, spend time reviewing your resume or CV so that you can speak to it without hesitating.

Research, research, research

Spend a great deal of time researching the organization and the position you are applying for. If you know the ins and outs of an organization: its history, evolution, and latest developments and progress, the interview team will know that you are serious about the job and that you have invested time to prepare. This can set you apart from the group of applicants.

You may not be able to alleviate all of your anxieties before an interview; in fact, this may be a good thing, in that a bit of nervousness means that the job is important to you and additionally will keep you on point and alert throughout the interview. However, with just a few steps in advance, you can let go of a few worries beforehand – allowing you to focus on presenting your best self during the interview.

If you’re not sure about choosing the right clothes and accessories or simply want to update your look to get the job you want consult with an expert image consultant today.