Great leaders never miss an opportunity to express appreciation.
Video Transcript
One of the traits of a leader is remembering to extend a personal thank after every event.
Executive Presence is more than leadership ability…
It is multi-faceted
Hello and welcome to this week’s EP tip
Great leaders never miss an opportunity
To express appreciation
And this is particularly true when
It comes to leaving an event
As a gracious guest
Leaders seek out the host or hostess
To extend a personal thank you
Within the week
They often follow up with a hand-written card
Handwritten thank-you notes make a lasting…
Memorable and positive impression
Often neglected…always appreciated
Make an effort to say thank you and good-bye
Follow up with a card
Sonya Parker is credited with saying
Almost everyone will make a good first impression
Only a few will make a good lasting impression
How true
Click the link below to see the results
Of Professor Monica Bartlett’s research that proves
Saying thank you grows relationships
See you again soon.