Executive presence is critical at networking events to enter – & exit conversations
Video Transcript
Executive Presence is more than leadership ability – it is multi-faceted!
Hello and welcome to this week’s EP tip.
Great leaders know how to make a gracious exit from a conversation. They know the etiquette and have mastered the technique.
If they are engaged in a group conversation and they haven’t committed to follow up with anyone after the event, they wait until they have finished a comment; smile, extend their hand for a handshake simply say something like “Glad we had a chance to meet and I look forward to the next time. I’m going to introduce myself to some other people. Enjoy the rest of the event.”
If it is a conversation where they have committed to follow up after the event, they note that in their closing comments. “Glad we had a chance to meet. Bill, I will email you the name of the book I was mentioning. I’m going to introduce myself to some other people. Enjoy the rest of the event.”
Great leaders know that it is never professional to exit a 1:1 conversation with another person. They don’t just leave that person to stand-alone. Rather, they invite the other person to come with them to join another group; share a bit of time with that group and then exit graciously.
Robert Kiyosaki said, “The richest people in the world look for and build networks. Everyone else looks for work.”
Click the link below for a quick recap on how to gracefully exit a conversation and build your network.