Corporate mentorship offers feedback from senior executives to new professionals
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Professional Presence is more than leadership abilities – it is multi-faceted!
Hello and welcome to this weeks’ professional presence tip.
When starting on your career journey, having a mentor can be an incredible asset. Mentors don’t only inspire you; they can motivate, elevate, and connect you. They can also help you to effectively communicate your professional presence.
Early on in your career, search for someone in your field (or the field you would like to get into); someone who shares the same values as you, who will challenge you, and who you know will help you reach your potential.
Once you find your mentor, remember that keeping the relationship going is up to you, not them! Staying on top of things is a great way to show your leadership and communication skills.
Indra Nooyi, the CEO of PepsiCo, said: “If I hadn’t had mentors, I wouldn’t be here today. I’m a product of great mentoring, great coaching… Coaches or mentors are very important. They could be anyone–your husband, other family members, or your boss.”
Watch the Ted Talk below by Ellen Ensher to discover why having a mentor is so important.
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In addition, visit our blog to find out more about how you can be the best mentee you can be!