If you think that social selling is just a buzzword, you need to think again. We all know how big social media is and what a central place it holds in so many people’s daily lives. Thanks to this unparalleled reach, social media provides a platform on which a business could increase its leads and ROI exponentially. Why is social selling so effective – and why should sales teams invest more time in mastering it, taking full advantage of it? Here are four reasons we think are pretty compelling.
You Can Easily Pinpoint Your Target Audience
Obviously, any effective marketing campaign requires you to identify your target audience as accurately as possible and then target that audience directly. However, this is not always so easy. Social selling makes it a considerably more achievable task. It offers you the opportunity to get to know your prospects on a more personal level and then identify their needs, challenges, and issues. You can engage with all of your audience members on a regular basis, getting feedback and useful information about their preferences and the trends prevailing among them. It is difficult, if not impossible, to do all this with traditional marketing.
Real Relationships Are Formed
Social selling enables you to connect with new and existing customers on social media, where they’re already engaged in ongoing conversations. Social listening tools give you the power to go a step further and identify who are already talking about and to your business and your industry. You can reach out to an audience that is already interested in what you are selling, offering useful, authentic information, and building trust and loyalty.
Take Advantage of Warm Introductions
Social media networking provides the opportunity for warm introductions. A warm introduction is when a mutual connection introduces you to a sale prospect, providing recommendations and testimonials, linking you directly to a potential new customer, and priming them to buy your services and products. You can gain a new client’s trust by association.
Everyone Cares About Social Media, You Should Too
Even if you are not terribly interested in social media, you can rest assured that a large portion of your audience, and many of your competitors, most certainly are. Your customers and prospects are, most likely, already buying on social media. Other brands are active on social media, picking up leads that you could be gathering for yourself. You really cannot afford to ignore social selling if you want to remain competitive.
Corporate Class Inc. is a global authority in leadership coaching and empowerment. We strive to develop exceptional leaders and assist organizations in developing effective leadership approaches. Based in Toronto, and with a worldwide presence, we have helped to nurture mindful leaders since 1984. Contact us to find out how our training and consultation can help you master social selling.