Monday: February 14
6:00PM IST
Tuesday: February 15
11:30AM IST
Tuesday: February 15
6:00PM IST
Wednesday: February 16
11:30AM IST
Wednesday: February 16
6:00PM IST
Diane Craig is the President and Founder of Corporate Class Inc. For over 30 years, she has been providing leadership development training to multi-national businesses, Fortune 500 companies and government agencies to optimize performance and potential across every organizational level.
Diane Craig
You're Going To Learn about…
How to
Nail your first impressions and master body language
How to
Communicate with confidence and clarity during presentations and conversations
How to
Build a powerful personal brand that’s memorable and unique to you
How to
Lead with purpose and impact to motivate and inspire
Space is limited.
We have limited spots for each masterclass, so we encourage you to sign up at the earliest possible.
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